Monday, 27 May 2013

Our senior school being welcomed by Tahu and her team at Orokonui Ecosanctuary.

Some children were lucky enough to spot the Tuatara in his enclosure.
Jono took us through the security gate into the forest.
We looked at different trees and fungi along the paths, as well as watching out for wildlife.
At the feeding stations we watched Tui and Bellbirds sipping the sugar water to top up their diet.We closed our eyes and listened to the chorus of birds. It was amazing.
Tahu told  us what Orokonui was like before humans arrived.
Here is Millie dressed up in the Freddo frog costume.

Baza worked with us at the pond. He talked about NZ frogs and the problems they face. We enjoyed using nets and magnifying glasses to find the small invertebrates living in the pond. Orokonui hopes to bring frogs into this pond soon.

Can you spot the little Tomtit? It was very difficult to see because of its colouring.

Our last group of the day was with Chelsea creating seed bombs. We threw them in the bush and hope the seeds will sprout and begin growing.
What a great day out!!

Friday, 17 May 2013

On Friday as a lead up to our trip to the Orokonui Ecosanctuary, we had a visit from Tahu and Chelsea. They came to help us investigate the life of our local stream.

 We discussed the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates and we looked at pictures of the type of invertebrates we might see in our stream.
We talked about water quality levels and the levels of purity different  stream creatures need to survive.

Room 3  headed off with gumboots, buckets, nets, sieves and sunshine to seek out the stream life.

Very quickly we found a small lobster followed by a variety of other stream life.  It was great to know our stream is healthy and supporting these creatures.

  We placed everything back as it was and picked up the one piece of rubbish we found. It was a fun afternoon and Room 3 know how lucky we are to have such a cool stream so close to our school.
We are all looking forward to working with Tahu, Chelsea and others on Tuesday 21st May on our full day trip to the Ecosanctuary.
This Term our  school Topic is " How animals thrive and survive" We were very lucky to have Rod Morris visit our school and present his new book to our Library. Rod is an expert on animals and he is coming back share more of his knowledge with us and  answer any questions we have.