Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Visit from Peter Garden

 Last month we were very lucky to have Peter Garden ( Maddy's Grandad) come and visit us. Peter had just returned from South Georgia where he was flying a helicopter as part of an eradication program to rid the island of rats.

He spoke to the class about the program and then showed us fabulous photos of the special wildlife that lives in South Georgia. We saw different penguins, a variety of special birds and heaps of huge Elephant seals and

Peter showed us a video taken from his helicopter as he flew over the island. The scenery was amazing and there was heaps of snow on the mountains.It felt like we were there in the helicopter and it was an unusual feeling.
We know exactly where South Georgia is now and on the map you can see it is such a long way from mainland South America. Peter and the other team members slept in a tent while they were on the island. South Georgia is uninhabited.
We wrote a special card to Maddy's Grandad before he returned to his home in Wanaka.